Where should I mail my payoff check?
Please overnight your payoff check to: SAFCO Attn: Titles Department 413 E. Atlantic Blvd Pompano Beach, FL 33060
Please overnight your payoff check to: SAFCO Attn: Titles Department 413 E. Atlantic Blvd Pompano Beach, FL 33060
Assistance may be available. Please call 800-599-8858, for more details.
Call 800-599-8858, and select option 2 to get payoff information.
Contact us to make alternate payment arrangements on your account, then work directly with your financial institution(s) to resolve the issue. Your financial institution(s) should provide an avenue for disputing and settling fraudulent payments.
Visit the local DMV in your new state of residence. Ask them to send us a written request for the documents required to transfer your title. The request can be faxed or mailed to us: Our fax number is 954-556-9331. Our address is: SAFCO Attn: Titles Department 413 E. Atlantic Blvd Pompano Beach, FL 33060
We search the Department of Defense Manpower Data Center website to find active servicemembers we can link to active SAFCO accounts. If we find that you’re eligible for the SCRA, your interest rate will be reduced automatically, and you’ll immediately begin enjoying the benefits and protections under the SCRA. If you believe you’re entitled to […]
Benefits and protections include: An interest rate reduction to 6% with activation dates after the date of the contract. Protection from repossession without a court order for all active servicemembers.
Any servicemember who financed their vehicle purchase prior to entering active duty and individuals to whom the servicemember provided over 50% financial support in the prior 180 days, such as a spouse, parent, child, or other dependent may be eligible for SCRA benefits.
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), formerly known as the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act (SSCRA), is a federal law that provides protections for military members as they enter active duty.
Although you owe the same amount each month, how your payment is applied can change based on when you pay and if you have any late fees. When you submit a payment each month, this is how it will be applied to what you owe: First, your payment will be used to pay any late […]
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